Managing storage in data spaces differs from managing storage in address spaces. Keep the following advisory notes in mind when you handle your data space storage:
- When you create a data space, use the DSPSERV macro to request a large enough size to handle your application.
The amount of storage you specify when you create a data space is the maximum amount the system will allow you to use in that space.
- You are responsible for keeping track of the allocating and freeing of data space storage. You cannot use the services of virtual storage management (VSM), such as the STORAGE, GETMAIN, or FREEMAIN macros, to manage this area. You can, however, use callable cell pool services to define a cell pool within a data space. You can then obtain the cells, as well as expand and contract the cell pool. Using callable cell pool services to manage data space areas describes the use of callable cell pool services for data spaces. Information on how to code the services is in Callable cell pool services.
- If you are not going to use an area of a data space again, release that area.
- When you are finished using a data space, delete it.